Compare TM²<>TMF

Methods (TM²<>TMF)

created by
updated by Xymph
Latest Server:Changed/New Since:
Game: ManiaPlanetTmForever
Build: 2015-06-16_18_002011-02-21
API: 2011-08-01
Methods: 303232
1 system.listMethods() array Return an array of all available XML-RPC methods on this server.
2 system.methodSignature(string) string array Given the name of a method, return an array of legal signatures. Each signature is an array of strings. The first item of each signature is the return type, and any others items are parameter types.
3 system.methodHelp(string) string string Given the name of a method, return a help string.
4 system.multicall(array) array array Process an array of calls, and return an array of results. Calls should be structs of the form {'methodName': string, 'params': array}. Each result will either be a single-item array containing the result value, or a struct of the form {'faultCode': int, 'faultString': string}. This is useful when you need to make lots of small calls without lots of round trips.
5 Authenticate(string, string) string, string boolean Allow user authentication by specifying a login and a password, to gain access to the set of functionalities corresponding to this authorization level.
6 ChangeAuthPassword(string, string) string, string boolean Change the password for the specified login/user. Only available to SuperAdmin.
7 EnableCallbacks(boolean) boolean boolean Allow the GameServer to call you back.
8 SetApiVersion(string) string boolean Define the wanted api.
9 GetVersion() array Returns a struct with the Name, TitleId, Version, Build and ApiVersion of the application remotely controlled.
10 GetStatus() array Returns the current status of the server.
11 QuitGame() boolean Quit the application. Only available to SuperAdmin.
12 CallVote(string) string boolean Call a vote for a cmd. The command is a XML string corresponding to an XmlRpc request. Only available to Admin.
13 CallVoteEx(string, double, int, int) string, double, int, int boolean Extended call vote. Same as CallVote, but you can additionally supply specific parameters for this vote: a ratio, a time out and who is voting. Special timeout values: a ratio of '-1' means default; a timeout of '0' means default, '1' means indefinite; Voters values: '0' means only active players, '1' means any player, '2' is for everybody, pure spectators included. Only available to Admin.
14 InternalCallVote() boolean Used internally by game.
15 CancelVote() boolean Cancel the current vote. Only available to Admin.
16 GetCurrentCallVote() array Returns the vote currently in progress. The returned structure is { CallerLogin, CmdName, CmdParam }.
17 SetCallVoteTimeOut(int) int boolean Set a new timeout for waiting for votes. A zero value disables callvote. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
18 GetCallVoteTimeOut() array Get the current and next timeout for waiting for votes. The struct returned contains two fields 'CurrentValue' and 'NextValue'.
19 SetCallVoteRatio(double) double boolean Set a new default ratio for passing a vote. Must lie between 0 and 1. Only available to Admin.
20 GetCallVoteRatio() double Get the current default ratio for passing a vote. This value lies between 0 and 1.
21 SetCallVoteRatios(array) array boolean Set the ratios list for passing specific votes. The parameter is an array of structs {string Command, double Ratio}, ratio is in [0,1] or -1 for vote disabled. Only available to Admin.
22 GetCallVoteRatios() array Get the current ratios for passing votes.
23 SetCallVoteRatiosEx(boolean, array) boolean, array boolean Set the ratios list for passing specific votes, extended version with parameters matching. The parameters, a boolean ReplaceAll (or else, only modify specified ratios, leaving the previous ones unmodified) and an array of structs {string Command, string Param, double Ratio}, ratio is in [0,1] or -1 for vote disabled. Param is matched against the vote parameters to make more specific ratios, leave empty to match all votes for the command. Only available to Admin.
24 GetCallVoteRatiosEx() array Get the current ratios for passing votes, extended version with parameters matching.
25 ChatSendServerMessage(string) string boolean Send a text message to all clients without the server login. Only available to Admin.
26 ChatSendServerMessageToLanguage(array, string) array, string boolean Send a localised text message to all clients without the server login, or optionally to a Login (which can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins). The parameter is an array of structures {Lang='xx', Text='...'}. If no matching language is found, the last text in the array is used. Only available to Admin.
27 ChatSendServerMessageToId(string, int) string, int boolean Send a text message without the server login to the client with the specified PlayerId. Only available to Admin.
28 ChatSendServerMessageToLogin(string, string) string, string boolean Send a text message without the server login to the client with the specified login. Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. Only available to Admin.
29 ChatSend(string) string boolean Send a text message to all clients. Only available to Admin.
30 ChatSendToLanguage(array, string) array, string boolean Send a localised text message to all clients, or optionally to a Login (which can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins). The parameter is an array of structures {Lang='xx', Text='...'}. If no matching language is found, the last text in the array is used. Only available to Admin.
31 ChatSendToLogin(string, string) string, string boolean Send a text message to the client with the specified login. Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. Only available to Admin.
32 ChatSendToId(string, int) string, int boolean Send a text message to the client with the specified PlayerId. Only available to Admin.
33 GetChatLines() array Returns the last chat lines. Maximum of 40 lines. Only available to Admin.
34 ChatEnableManualRouting(boolean, boolean) boolean, boolean boolean The chat messages are no longer dispatched to the players, they only go to the rpc callback and the controller has to manually forward them. The second (optional) parameter allows all messages from the server to be automatically forwarded. Only available to Admin.
35 ChatForwardToLogin(string, string, string) string, string, string boolean (Text, SenderLogin, DestLogin) Send a text message to the specified DestLogin (or everybody if empty) on behalf of SenderLogin. DestLogin can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. Only available if manual routing is enabled. Only available to Admin.
36 SendNotice(string, string, int) string, string, int boolean Display a notice on all clients. The parameters are the text message to display, and the login of the avatar to display next to it (or '' for no avatar), and an optional 'variant' in [0 = normal, 1 = Sad, 2 = Happy]. Only available to Admin.
37 SendNoticeToId(int, string, int, int) int, string, int, int boolean Display a notice on the client with the specified UId. The parameters are the Uid of the client to whom the notice is sent, the text message to display, and the UId of the avatar to display next to it (or '255' for no avatar), and an optional 'variant' in [0 = normal, 1 = Sad, 2 = Happy]. Only available to Admin.
38 SendNoticeToLogin(string, string, string, int) string, string, string, int boolean Display a notice on the client with the specified login. The parameters are the login of the client to whom the notice is sent, the text message to display, and the login of the avatar to display next to it (or '' for no avatar), and an optional 'variant' in [0 = normal, 1 = Sad, 2 = Happy]. Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. Only available to Admin.
39 SendDisplayManialinkPage(string, int, boolean) string, int, boolean boolean Display a manialink page on all clients. The parameters are the xml description of the page to display, a timeout to autohide it (0 = permanent), and a boolean to indicate whether the page must be hidden as soon as the user clicks on a page option. Only available to Admin.
40 SendDisplayManialinkPageToId(int, string, int, boolean) int, string, int, boolean boolean Display a manialink page on the client with the specified UId. The first parameter is the UId of the player, the other are identical to 'SendDisplayManialinkPage'. Only available to Admin.
41 SendDisplayManialinkPageToLogin(string, string, int, boolean) string, string, int, boolean boolean Display a manialink page on the client with the specified login. The first parameter is the login of the player, the other are identical to 'SendDisplayManialinkPage'. Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. Only available to Admin.
42 SendHideManialinkPage() boolean Hide the displayed manialink page on all clients. Only available to Admin.
43 SendHideManialinkPageToId(int) int boolean Hide the displayed manialink page on the client with the specified UId. Only available to Admin.
44 SendHideManialinkPageToLogin(string) string boolean Hide the displayed manialink page on the client with the specified login. Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. Only available to Admin.
45 GetManialinkPageAnswers() array Returns the latest results from the current manialink page, as an array of structs {string Login, int PlayerId, int Result} Result==0 -> no answer, Result>0.... -> answer from the player.
46 SendOpenLinkToId(int, string, int) int, string, int boolean Opens a link in the client with the specified UId. The parameters are the Uid of the client to whom the link to open is sent, the link url, and the 'LinkType' (0 in the external browser, 1 in the internal manialink browser). Only available to Admin.
47 SendOpenLinkToLogin(string, string, int) string, string, int boolean Opens a link in the client with the specified login. The parameters are the login of the client to whom the link to open is sent, the link url, and the 'LinkType' (0 in the external browser, 1 in the internal manialink browser). Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. Only available to Admin.
48 Kick(string, string) string, string boolean Kick the player with the specified login, with an optional message. Only available to Admin.
49 KickId(int, string) int, string boolean Kick the player with the specified PlayerId, with an optional message. Only available to Admin.
50 Ban(string, string) string, string boolean Ban the player with the specified login, with an optional message. Only available to Admin.
51 BanAndBlackList(string, string, boolean) string, string, boolean boolean Ban the player with the specified login, with a message. Add it to the black list, and optionally save the new list. Only available to Admin.
52 BanId(int, string) int, string boolean Ban the player with the specified PlayerId, with an optional message. Only available to Admin.
53 UnBan(string) string boolean Unban the player with the specified login. Only available to Admin.
54 CleanBanList() boolean Clean the ban list of the server. Only available to Admin.
55 GetBanList(int, int) int, int array Returns the list of banned players. This method takes two parameters. The first parameter specifies the maximum number of infos to be returned, and the second one the starting index in the list. The list is an array of structures. Each structure contains the following fields : Login, ClientName and IPAddress.
56 BlackList(string) string boolean Blacklist the player with the specified login. Only available to SuperAdmin.
57 BlackListId(int) int boolean Blacklist the player with the specified PlayerId. Only available to SuperAdmin.
58 UnBlackList(string) string boolean UnBlackList the player with the specified login. Only available to SuperAdmin.
59 CleanBlackList() boolean Clean the blacklist of the server. Only available to SuperAdmin.
60 GetBlackList(int, int) int, int array Returns the list of blacklisted players. This method takes two parameters. The first parameter specifies the maximum number of infos to be returned, and the second one the starting index in the list. The list is an array of structures. Each structure contains the following fields : Login.
61 LoadBlackList(string) string boolean Load the black list file with the specified file name. Only available to Admin.
62 SaveBlackList(string) string boolean Save the black list in the file with specified file name. Only available to Admin.
63 AddGuest(string) string boolean Add the player with the specified login on the guest list. Only available to Admin.
64 AddGuestId(int) int boolean Add the player with the specified PlayerId on the guest list. Only available to Admin.
65 RemoveGuest(string) string boolean Remove the player with the specified login from the guest list. Only available to Admin.
66 RemoveGuestId(int) int boolean Remove the player with the specified PlayerId from the guest list. Only available to Admin.
67 CleanGuestList() boolean Clean the guest list of the server. Only available to Admin.
68 GetGuestList(int, int) int, int array Returns the list of players on the guest list. This method takes two parameters. The first parameter specifies the maximum number of infos to be returned, and the second one the starting index in the list. The list is an array of structures. Each structure contains the following fields : Login.
69 LoadGuestList(string) string boolean Load the guest list file with the specified file name. Only available to Admin.
70 SaveGuestList(string) string boolean Save the guest list in the file with specified file name. Only available to Admin.
71 SetBuddyNotification(string, boolean) string, boolean boolean Sets whether buddy notifications should be sent in the chat. login is the login of the player, or '' for global setting, and enabled is the value. Only available to Admin.
72 GetBuddyNotification(string) string boolean Gets whether buddy notifications are enabled for login, or '' to get the global setting.
73 WriteFile(string, base64) string, base64 boolean Write the data to the specified file. The filename is relative to the Maps path. Only available to Admin.
74 TunnelSendDataToId(int, base64) int, base64 boolean Send the data to the specified player. Only available to Admin.
75 TunnelSendDataToLogin(string, base64) string, base64 boolean Send the data to the specified player. Login can be a single login or a list of comma-separated logins. Only available to Admin.
76 Echo(string, string) string, string boolean Just log the parameters and invoke a callback. Can be used to talk to other xmlrpc clients connected, or to make custom votes. If used in a callvote, the first parameter will be used as the vote message on the clients. Only available to Admin.
77 Ignore(string) string boolean Ignore the player with the specified login. Only available to Admin.
78 IgnoreId(int) int boolean Ignore the player with the specified PlayerId. Only available to Admin.
79 UnIgnore(string) string boolean Unignore the player with the specified login. Only available to Admin.
80 UnIgnoreId(int) int boolean Unignore the player with the specified PlayerId. Only available to Admin.
81 CleanIgnoreList() boolean Clean the ignore list of the server. Only available to Admin.
82 GetIgnoreList(int, int) int, int array Returns the list of ignored players. This method takes two parameters. The first parameter specifies the maximum number of infos to be returned, and the second one the starting index in the list. The list is an array of structures. Each structure contains the following fields : Login.
83 Pay(string, int, string) string, int, string int Pay planets from the server account to a player, returns the BillId. This method takes three parameters: Login of the payee, Cost in planets to pay and a Label to send with the payment. The creation of the transaction itself may cost planets, so you need to have planets on the server account. Only available to Admin.
84 SendBill(string, int, string, string) string, int, string, string int Create a bill, send it to a player, and return the BillId. This method takes four parameters: LoginFrom of the payer, Cost in planets the player has to pay, Label of the transaction and an optional LoginTo of the payee (if empty string, then the server account is used). The creation of the transaction itself may cost planets, so you need to have planets on the server account. Only available to Admin.
85 GetBillState(int) int array Returns the current state of a bill. This method takes one parameter, the BillId. Returns a struct containing State, StateName and TransactionId. Possible enum values are: CreatingTransaction, Issued, ValidatingPayement, Payed, Refused, Error.
86 GetServerPlanets() int Returns the current number of planets on the server account.
87 GetServerCoppers() int (deprecated)
88 GetSystemInfo() array Get some system infos, including connection rates (in kbps).
89 SetConnectionRates(int, int) int, int boolean Set the download and upload rates (in kbps).
90 GetServerTags() array Returns the list of tags and associated values set on this server. Only available to Admin.
91 SetServerTag(string, string) string, string boolean Set a tag and its value on the server. This method takes two parameters. The first parameter specifies the name of the tag, and the second one its value. The list is an array of structures {string Name, string Value}. Only available to Admin.
92 UnsetServerTag(string) string boolean Unset the tag with the specified name on the server. Only available to Admin.
93 ResetServerTags() boolean Reset all tags on the server. Only available to Admin.
94 SetServerName(string) string boolean Set a new server name in utf8 format. Only available to Admin.
95 GetServerName() string Get the server name in utf8 format.
96 SetServerComment(string) string boolean Set a new server comment in utf8 format. Only available to Admin.
97 GetServerComment() string Get the server comment in utf8 format.
98 SetHideServer(int) int boolean Set whether the server should be hidden from the public server list (0 = visible, 1 = always hidden, 2 = hidden from nations). Only available to Admin.
99 GetHideServer() int Get whether the server wants to be hidden from the public server list.
100 IsRelayServer() boolean Returns true if this is a relay server.
101 SetServerPassword(string) string boolean Set a new password for the server. Only available to Admin.
102 GetServerPassword() string Get the server password if called as Admin or Super Admin, else returns if a password is needed or not.
103 SetServerPasswordForSpectator(string) string boolean Set a new password for the spectator mode. Only available to Admin.
104 GetServerPasswordForSpectator() string Get the password for spectator mode if called as Admin or Super Admin, else returns if a password is needed or not.
105 SetMaxPlayers(int) int boolean Set a new maximum number of players. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
106 GetMaxPlayers() array Get the current and next maximum number of players allowed on server. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
107 SetMaxSpectators(int) int boolean Set a new maximum number of Spectators. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
108 GetMaxSpectators() array Get the current and next maximum number of Spectators allowed on server. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
109 SetLobbyInfo(boolean, int, int, double) boolean, int, int, double boolean Declare if the server is a lobby, the number and maximum number of players currently managed by it, and the average level of the players. Only available to Admin.
110 GetLobbyInfo() array Get whether the server if a lobby, the number and maximum number of players currently managed by it. The struct returned contains 4 fields IsLobby, LobbyPlayers, LobbyMaxPlayers, and LobbyPlayersLevel.
111 CustomizeQuitDialog(string, string, boolean, int) string, string, boolean, int boolean Customize the clients 'leave server' dialog box. Parameters are: ManialinkPage, SendToServer url '#qjoin=login@title', ProposeAddToFavorites and DelayQuitButton (in milliseconds). Only available to Admin.
112 KeepPlayerSlots(boolean) boolean boolean Set whether, when a player is switching to spectator, the server should still consider him a player and keep his player slot, or not. Only available to Admin.
113 IsKeepingPlayerSlots() boolean Get whether the server keeps player slots when switching to spectator.
114 EnableP2PUpload(boolean) boolean boolean Enable or disable peer-to-peer upload from server. Only available to Admin.
115 IsP2PUpload() boolean Returns if the peer-to-peer upload from server is enabled.
116 EnableP2PDownload(boolean) boolean boolean Enable or disable peer-to-peer download for server. Only available to Admin.
117 IsP2PDownload() boolean Returns if the peer-to-peer download for server is enabled.
118 AllowMapDownload(boolean) boolean boolean Allow clients to download maps from the server. Only available to Admin.
119 IsMapDownloadAllowed() boolean Returns if clients can download maps from the server.
120 AllowChallengeDownload(boolean) boolean boolean (deprecated)
121 IsChallengeDownloadAllowed() boolean (deprecated)
122 GameDataDirectory() string Returns the path of the game datas directory. Only available to Admin.
123 GetMapsDirectory() string Returns the path of the maps directory. Only available to Admin.
124 GetTracksDirectory() string (deprecated)
125 GetSkinsDirectory() string Returns the path of the skins directory. Only available to Admin.
126 SetTeamInfo(string, double, string, string, double, string, string, double, string) string, double, string, string, double, string, string, double, string boolean Set Team names and colors (deprecated). Only available to Admin.
127 GetTeamInfo(int) int array Return Team info for a given clan (0 = no clan, 1, 2). The structure contains: Name, ZonePath, City, EmblemUrl, HuePrimary, HueSecondary, RGB, ClubLinkUrl. Only available to Admin.
128 SetForcedClubLinks(string, string) string, string boolean Set the clublinks to use for the two clans. Only available to Admin.
129 GetForcedClubLinks() array Get the forced clublinks.
130 ConnectFakePlayer() string (debug tool) Connect a fake player to the server and returns the login. Only available to Admin.
131 DisconnectFakePlayer(string) string boolean (debug tool) Disconnect a fake player, or all the fake players if login is '*'. Only available to Admin.
132 GetDemoTokenInfosForPlayer(string) string array Returns the token infos for a player. The returned structure is { TokenCost, CanPayToken }.
133 DisableHorns(boolean) boolean boolean Disable player horns. Only available to Admin.
134 AreHornsDisabled() boolean Returns whether the horns are disabled.
135 DisableServiceAnnounces(boolean) boolean boolean Disable the automatic mesages when a player connects/disconnects from the server. Only available to Admin.
136 AreServiceAnnouncesDisabled() boolean Returns whether the automatic mesages are disabled.
137 AutoSaveReplays(boolean) boolean boolean Enable the autosaving of all replays (vizualisable replays with all players, but not validable) on the server. Only available to SuperAdmin.
138 AutoSaveValidationReplays(boolean) boolean boolean Enable the autosaving on the server of validation replays, every time a player makes a new time. Only available to SuperAdmin.
139 IsAutoSaveReplaysEnabled() boolean Returns if autosaving of all replays is enabled on the server.
140 IsAutoSaveValidationReplaysEnabled() boolean Returns if autosaving of validation replays is enabled on the server.
141 SaveCurrentReplay(string) string boolean Saves the current replay (vizualisable replays with all players, but not validable). Pass a filename, or '' for an automatic filename. Only available to Admin.
142 SaveBestGhostsReplay(string, string) string, string boolean Saves a replay with the ghost of all the players' best race. First parameter is the login of the player (or '' for all players), Second parameter is the filename, or '' for an automatic filename. Only available to Admin.
143 GetValidationReplay(string) string base64 Returns a replay containing the data needed to validate the current best time of the player. The parameter is the login of the player.
144 SetLadderMode(int) int boolean Set a new ladder mode between ladder disabled (0) and forced (1). Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
145 GetLadderMode() array Get the current and next ladder mode on server. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
146 GetLadderServerLimits() array Get the ladder points limit for the players allowed on this server. The struct returned contains two fields LadderServerLimitMin and LadderServerLimitMax.
147 SetVehicleNetQuality(int) int boolean Set the network vehicle quality to Fast (0) or High (1). Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
148 GetVehicleNetQuality() array Get the current and next network vehicle quality on server. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
149 SetServerOptions(array) array boolean Set new server options using the struct passed as parameters. This struct must contain the following fields : Name, Comment, Password, PasswordForSpectator, NextMaxPlayers, NextMaxSpectators, IsP2PUpload, IsP2PDownload, NextLadderMode, NextVehicleNetQuality, NextCallVoteTimeOut, CallVoteRatio, AllowMapDownload, AutoSaveReplays, and optionally for forever: RefereePassword, RefereeMode, AutoSaveValidationReplays, HideServer, UseChangingValidationSeed, ClientInputsMaxLatency, DisableHorns, DisableServiceAnnounces, KeepPlayerSlots. Only available to Admin. A change of NextMaxPlayers, NextMaxSpectators, NextLadderMode, NextVehicleNetQuality, NextCallVoteTimeOut or UseChangingValidationSeed requires a map restart to be taken into account.
150 GetServerOptions(int) int array Optional parameter for compatibility: struct version (0 = united, 1 = forever). Returns a struct containing the server options: Name, Comment, Password, PasswordForSpectator, CurrentMaxPlayers, NextMaxPlayers, CurrentMaxSpectators, NextMaxSpectators, IsP2PUpload, IsP2PDownload, CurrentLadderMode, NextLadderMode, CurrentVehicleNetQuality, NextVehicleNetQuality, CurrentCallVoteTimeOut, NextCallVoteTimeOut, CallVoteRatio, AllowChallengeDownload and AutoSaveReplays, and additionally for forever: RefereePassword, RefereeMode, AutoSaveValidationReplays, HideServer, CurrentUseChangingValidationSeed, NextUseChangingValidationSeed.
151 SetForcedTeams(boolean) boolean boolean Set whether the players can choose their side or if the teams are forced by the server (using ForcePlayerTeam()). Only available to Admin.
152 GetForcedTeams() boolean Returns whether the players can choose their side or if the teams are forced by the server.
153 SetServerPackMask(string) string boolean Defines the packmask of the server. Can be 'United', 'Nations', 'Sunrise', 'Original', or any of the environment names. (Only maps matching the packmask will be allowed on the server, so that player connecting to it know what to expect.) Only available when the server is stopped. Only available to Admin.
154 GetServerPackMask() string Get the packmask of the server.
155 SetForcedMods(boolean, array) boolean, array boolean Set the mods to apply on the clients. Parameters: Override, if true even the maps with a mod will be overridden by the server setting; and Mods, an array of structures [{EnvName, Url}, ...]. Requires a map restart to be taken into account. Only available to Admin.
156 GetForcedMods() array Get the mods settings.
157 SetForcedMusic(boolean, string) boolean, string boolean Set the music to play on the clients. Parameters: Override, if true even the maps with a custom music will be overridden by the server setting, and a UrlOrFileName for the music. Requires a map restart to be taken into account. Only available to Admin.
158 GetForcedMusic() array Get the music setting.
159 SetForcedSkins(array) array boolean Defines a list of remappings for player skins. It expects a list of structs Orig, Name, Checksum, Url. Orig is the name of the skin to remap, or '*' for any other. Name, Checksum, Url define the skin to use. (They are optional, you may set value '' for any of those. All 3 null means same as Orig). Will only affect players connecting after the value is set. Only available to Admin.
160 GetForcedSkins() array Get the current forced skins.
161 GetLastConnectionErrorMessage() string Returns the last error message for an internet connection. Only available to Admin.
162 SetRefereePassword(string) string boolean Set a new password for the referee mode. Only available to Admin.
163 GetRefereePassword() string Get the password for referee mode if called as Admin or Super Admin, else returns if a password is needed or not.
164 SetRefereeMode(int) int boolean Set the referee validation mode. 0 = validate the top3 players, 1 = validate all players. Only available to Admin.
165 GetRefereeMode() int Get the referee validation mode.
166 SetUseChangingValidationSeed(boolean) boolean boolean Set whether the game should use a variable validation seed or not. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
167 GetUseChangingValidationSeed() array Get the current and next value of UseChangingValidationSeed. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
168 SetWarmUp(boolean) boolean boolean Sets whether the server is in warm-up phase or not. Only available to Admin.
169 GetWarmUp() boolean Returns whether the server is in warm-up phase.
170 GetModeScriptText() string Get the current mode script.
171 SetModeScriptText(string) string boolean Set the mode script and restart. Only available to Admin.
172 GetModeScriptInfo() array Returns the description of the current mode script, as a structure containing: Name, CompatibleTypes, Description, Version and the settings available.
173 GetModeScriptSettings() array Returns the current settings of the mode script.
174 SetModeScriptSettings(array) array boolean Change the settings of the mode script. Only available to Admin.
175 SendModeScriptCommands(array) array boolean Send commands to the mode script. Only available to Admin.
176 SetModeScriptSettingsAndCommands(array, array) array, array boolean Change the settings and send commands to the mode script. Only available to Admin.
177 GetModeScriptVariables() array Returns the current xml-rpc variables of the mode script.
178 SetModeScriptVariables(array) array boolean Set the xml-rpc variables of the mode script. Only available to Admin.
179 TriggerModeScriptEvent(string, string) string, string boolean Send an event to the mode script. Only available to Admin.
180 TriggerModeScriptEventArray(string, array) string, array boolean Send an event to the mode script. Only available to Admin.
181 GetScriptCloudVariables(string, string) string, string array Get the script cloud variables of given object. Only available to Admin.
182 SetScriptCloudVariables(string, string, array) string, string, array boolean Set the script cloud variables of given object. Only available to Admin.
183 RestartMap() boolean Restarts the map, with an optional boolean parameter DontClearCupScores (only available in cup mode). Only available to Admin.
184 NextMap() boolean Switch to next map, with an optional boolean parameter DontClearCupScores (only available in cup mode). Only available to Admin.
185 AutoTeamBalance() boolean Attempt to balance teams. Only available to Admin.
186 ChallengeRestart() boolean (deprecated)
187 RestartChallenge() boolean (deprecated)
188 NextChallenge() boolean (deprecated)
189 StopServer() boolean Stop the server. Only available to SuperAdmin.
190 ForceEndRound() boolean In Rounds or Laps mode, force the end of round without waiting for all players to giveup/finish. Only available to Admin.
191 SetGameInfos(array) array boolean Set new game settings using the struct passed as parameters. This struct must contain the following fields : GameMode, ChatTime, RoundsPointsLimit, RoundsUseNewRules, RoundsForcedLaps, TimeAttackLimit, TimeAttackSynchStartPeriod, TeamPointsLimit, TeamMaxPoints, TeamUseNewRules, LapsNbLaps, LapsTimeLimit, FinishTimeout, and optionally: AllWarmUpDuration, DisableRespawn, ForceShowAllOpponents, RoundsPointsLimitNewRules, TeamPointsLimitNewRules, CupPointsLimit, CupRoundsPerChallenge, CupNbWinners, CupWarmUpDuration. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
192 GetCurrentGameInfo(int) int array Optional parameter for compatibility: struct version (0 = united, 1 = forever). Returns a struct containing the current game settings, ie: GameMode, ChatTime, NbChallenge, RoundsPointsLimit, RoundsUseNewRules, RoundsForcedLaps, TimeAttackLimit, TimeAttackSynchStartPeriod, TeamPointsLimit, TeamMaxPoints, TeamUseNewRules, LapsNbLaps, LapsTimeLimit, FinishTimeout, and additionally for version 1: AllWarmUpDuration, DisableRespawn, ForceShowAllOpponents, RoundsPointsLimitNewRules, TeamPointsLimitNewRules, CupPointsLimit, CupRoundsPerChallenge, CupNbWinners, CupWarmUpDuration.
193 GetNextGameInfo(int) int array Optional parameter for compatibility: struct version (0 = united, 1 = forever). Returns a struct containing the game settings for the next map, ie: GameMode, ChatTime, NbChallenge, RoundsPointsLimit, RoundsUseNewRules, RoundsForcedLaps, TimeAttackLimit, TimeAttackSynchStartPeriod, TeamPointsLimit, TeamMaxPoints, TeamUseNewRules, LapsNbLaps, LapsTimeLimit, FinishTimeout, and additionally for version 1: AllWarmUpDuration, DisableRespawn, ForceShowAllOpponents, RoundsPointsLimitNewRules, TeamPointsLimitNewRules, CupPointsLimit, CupRoundsPerChallenge, CupNbWinners, CupWarmUpDuration.
194 GetGameInfos(int) int array Optional parameter for compatibility: struct version (0 = united, 1 = forever). Returns a struct containing two other structures, the first containing the current game settings and the second the game settings for next map. The first structure is named CurrentGameInfos and the second NextGameInfos.
195 SetGameMode(int) int boolean Set a new game mode between Script (0), Rounds (1), TimeAttack (2), Team (3), Laps (4), Cup (5) and Stunts (6). Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
196 GetGameMode() int Get the current game mode.
197 SetChatTime(int) int boolean Set a new chat time value in milliseconds (actually 'chat time' is the duration of the end race podium, 0 means no podium displayed.). Only available to Admin.
198 GetChatTime() array Get the current and next chat time. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
199 SetFinishTimeout(int) int boolean Set a new finish timeout (for rounds/laps mode) value in milliseconds. 0 means default. 1 means adaptative to the duration of the map. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
200 GetFinishTimeout() array Get the current and next FinishTimeout. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
201 SetAllWarmUpDuration(int) int boolean Set whether to enable the automatic warm-up phase in all modes. 0 = no, otherwise it's the duration of the phase, expressed in number of rounds (in rounds/team mode), or in number of times the gold medal time (other modes). Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
202 GetAllWarmUpDuration() array Get whether the automatic warm-up phase is enabled in all modes. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
203 SetDisableRespawn(boolean) boolean boolean Set whether to disallow players to respawn. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
204 GetDisableRespawn() array Get whether players are disallowed to respawn. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
205 SetForceShowAllOpponents(int) int boolean Set whether to override the players preferences and always display all opponents (0=no override, 1=show all, other value=minimum number of opponents). Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
206 GetForceShowAllOpponents() array Get whether players are forced to show all opponents. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
207 SetScriptName(string) string boolean Set a new mode script name for script mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
208 GetScriptName() array Get the current and next mode script name for script mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
209 SetTimeAttackLimit(int) int boolean Set a new time limit for time attack mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
210 GetTimeAttackLimit() array Get the current and next time limit for time attack mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
211 SetTimeAttackSynchStartPeriod(int) int boolean Set a new synchronized start period for time attack mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
212 GetTimeAttackSynchStartPeriod() array Get the current and synchronized start period for time attack mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
213 SetLapsTimeLimit(int) int boolean Set a new time limit for laps mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
214 GetLapsTimeLimit() array Get the current and next time limit for laps mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
215 SetNbLaps(int) int boolean Set a new number of laps for laps mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
216 GetNbLaps() array Get the current and next number of laps for laps mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
217 SetRoundForcedLaps(int) int boolean Set a new number of laps for rounds mode (0 = default, use the number of laps from the maps, otherwise forces the number of rounds for multilaps maps). Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
218 GetRoundForcedLaps() array Get the current and next number of laps for rounds mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
219 SetRoundPointsLimit(int) int boolean Set a new points limit for rounds mode (value set depends on UseNewRulesRound). Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
220 GetRoundPointsLimit() array Get the current and next points limit for rounds mode (values returned depend on UseNewRulesRound). The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
221 SetRoundCustomPoints(array, boolean) array, boolean boolean Set the points used for the scores in rounds mode. Points is an array of decreasing integers for the players from the first to last. And you can add an optional boolean to relax the constraint checking on the scores. Only available to Admin.
222 GetRoundCustomPoints() array Gets the points used for the scores in rounds mode.
223 SetUseNewRulesRound(boolean) boolean boolean Set if new rules are used for rounds mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
224 GetUseNewRulesRound() array Get if the new rules are used for rounds mode (Current and next values). The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
225 SetTeamPointsLimit(int) int boolean Set a new points limit for team mode (value set depends on UseNewRulesTeam). Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
226 GetTeamPointsLimit() array Get the current and next points limit for team mode (values returned depend on UseNewRulesTeam). The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
227 SetMaxPointsTeam(int) int boolean Set a new number of maximum points per round for team mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
228 GetMaxPointsTeam() array Get the current and next number of maximum points per round for team mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
229 SetUseNewRulesTeam(boolean) boolean boolean Set if new rules are used for team mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
230 GetUseNewRulesTeam() array Get if the new rules are used for team mode (Current and next values). The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
231 SetCupPointsLimit(int) int boolean Set the points needed for victory in Cup mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
232 GetCupPointsLimit() array Get the points needed for victory in Cup mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
233 SetCupRoundsPerMap(int) int boolean Sets the number of rounds before going to next map in Cup mode. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
234 GetCupRoundsPerMap() array Get the number of rounds before going to next map in Cup mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
235 SetCupRoundsPerChallenge(int) int boolean (deprecated)
236 GetCupRoundsPerChallenge() array (deprecated)
237 SetCupWarmUpDuration(int) int boolean Set whether to enable the automatic warm-up phase in Cup mode. 0 = no, otherwise it's the duration of the phase, expressed in number of rounds. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
238 GetCupWarmUpDuration() array Get whether the automatic warm-up phase is enabled in Cup mode. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
239 SetCupNbWinners(int) int boolean Set the number of winners to determine before the match is considered over. Only available to Admin. Requires a map restart to be taken into account.
240 GetCupNbWinners() array Get the number of winners to determine before the match is considered over. The struct returned contains two fields CurrentValue and NextValue.
241 GetCurrentMapIndex() int Returns the current map index in the selection, or -1 if the map is no longer in the selection.
242 GetNextMapIndex() int Returns the map index in the selection that will be played next (unless the current one is restarted...)
243 SetNextMapIndex(int) int boolean Sets the map index in the selection that will be played next (unless the current one is restarted...)
244 SetNextMapIdent(string) string boolean Sets the map in the selection that will be played next (unless the current one is restarted...)
245 JumpToMapIndex(int) int boolean Immediately jumps to the map designated by the index in the selection.
246 JumpToMapIdent(string) string boolean Immediately jumps to the map designated by its identifier (it must be in the selection).
247 GetCurrentMapInfo() array Returns a struct containing the infos for the current map. The struct contains the following fields : Name, UId, FileName, Author, Environnement, Mood, BronzeTime, SilverTime, GoldTime, AuthorTime, CopperPrice, LapRace, NbLaps, NbCheckpoints, MapType, MapStyle.
248 GetNextMapInfo() array Returns a struct containing the infos for the next map. The struct contains the following fields : Name, UId, FileName, Author, Environnement, Mood, BronzeTime, SilverTime, GoldTime, AuthorTime, CopperPrice, LapRace, MapType, MapStyle. (NbLaps and NbCheckpoints are also present but always set to -1)
249 GetMapInfo(string) string array Returns a struct containing the infos for the map with the specified filename. The struct contains the following fields : Name, UId, FileName, Author, Environnement, Mood, BronzeTime, SilverTime, GoldTime, AuthorTime, CopperPrice, LapRace, MapType, MapStyle. (NbLaps and NbCheckpoints are also present but always set to -1)
250 CheckMapForCurrentServerParams(string) string boolean Returns a boolean if the map with the specified filename matches the current server settings.
251 GetMapList(int, int) int, int array Returns a list of maps among the current selection of the server. This method take two parameters. The first parameter specifies the maximum number of infos to be returned, and the second one the starting index in the selection. The list is an array of structures. Each structure contains the following fields : Name, UId, FileName, Environnement, Author, GoldTime, CopperPrice, MapType, MapStyle.
252 AddMap(string) string boolean Add the map with the specified filename at the end of the current selection. Only available to Admin.
253 AddMapList(array) array int Add the list of maps with the specified filenames at the end of the current selection. The list of maps to add is an array of strings. Only available to Admin.
254 RemoveMap(string) string boolean Remove the map with the specified filename from the current selection. Only available to Admin.
255 RemoveMapList(array) array int Remove the list of maps with the specified filenames from the current selection. The list of maps to remove is an array of strings. Only available to Admin.
256 InsertMap(string) string boolean Insert the map with the specified filename after the current map. Only available to Admin.
257 InsertMapList(array) array int Insert the list of maps with the specified filenames after the current map. The list of maps to insert is an array of strings. Only available to Admin.
258 ChooseNextMap(string) string boolean Set as next map the one with the specified filename, if it is present in the selection. Only available to Admin.
259 ChooseNextMapList(array) array int Set as next maps the list of maps with the specified filenames, if they are present in the selection. The list of maps to choose is an array of strings. Only available to Admin.
260 GetCurrentChallengeIndex() int (deprecated)
261 GetNextChallengeIndex() int (deprecated)
262 SetNextChallengeIndex(int) int boolean (deprecated)
263 GetCurrentChallengeInfo() array (deprecated)
264 GetNextChallengeInfo() array (deprecated)
265 GetChallengeInfo(string) string array (deprecated)
266 CheckChallengeForCurrentServerParams(string) string boolean (deprecated)
267 GetChallengeList(int, int) int, int array (deprecated)
268 AddChallenge(string) string boolean (deprecated)
269 AddChallengeList(array) array int (deprecated)
270 RemoveChallenge(string) string boolean (deprecated)
271 RemoveChallengeList(array) array int (deprecated)
272 InsertChallenge(string) string boolean (deprecated)
273 InsertChallengeList(array) array int (deprecated)
274 ChooseNextChallenge(string) string boolean (deprecated)
275 ChooseNextChallengeList(array) array int (deprecated)
276 LoadMatchSettings(string) string int Set a list of maps defined in the playlist with the specified filename as the current selection of the server, and load the gameinfos from the same file. Only available to Admin.
277 AppendPlaylistFromMatchSettings(string) string int Add a list of maps defined in the playlist with the specified filename at the end of the current selection. Only available to Admin.
278 SaveMatchSettings(string) string int Save the current selection of map in the playlist with the specified filename, as well as the current gameinfos. Only available to Admin.
279 InsertPlaylistFromMatchSettings(string) string int Insert a list of maps defined in the playlist with the specified filename after the current map. Only available to Admin.
280 GetPlayerList(int, int, int) int, int, int array Returns the list of players on the server. This method take two parameters. The first parameter specifies the maximum number of infos to be returned, and the second one the starting index in the list, an optional 3rd parameter is used for compatibility: struct version (0 = united, 1 = forever, 2 = forever, including the servers). The list is an array of PlayerInfo structures. Forever PlayerInfo struct is: Login, NickName, PlayerId, TeamId, SpectatorStatus, LadderRanking, and Flags.
LadderRanking is 0 when not in official mode,
Flags = ForceSpectator(0,1,2) + IsReferee * 10 + IsPodiumReady * 100 + StereoDisplayMode * 1000 + IsManagedByAnOtherServer * 10000 + IsServer * 100000 + HasPlayerSlot * 1000000 + IsBroadcasting * 10000000 + HasJoinedGame * 100000000
SpectatorStatus = Spectator + TemporarySpectator * 10 + PureSpectator * 100 + AutoTarget * 1000 + CurrentTargetId * 10000
281 GetPlayerInfo(string, int) string, int array Returns a struct containing the infos on the player with the specified login, with an optional parameter for compatibility: struct version (0 = united, 1 = forever). The structure is identical to the ones from GetPlayerList. Forever PlayerInfo struct is: Login, NickName, PlayerId, TeamId, SpectatorStatus, LadderRanking, and Flags.
LadderRanking is 0 when not in official mode,
Flags = ForceSpectator(0,1,2) + IsReferee * 10 + IsPodiumReady * 100 + StereoDisplayMode * 1000 + IsManagedByAnOtherServer * 10000 + IsServer * 100000 + HasPlayerSlot * 1000000 + IsBroadcasting * 10000000 + HasJoinedGame * 100000000
SpectatorStatus = Spectator + TemporarySpectator * 10 + PureSpectator * 100 + AutoTarget * 1000 + CurrentTargetId * 10000
282 GetDetailedPlayerInfo(string) string array Returns a struct containing the infos on the player with the specified login. The structure contains the following fields : Login, NickName, PlayerId, TeamId, IPAddress, DownloadRate, UploadRate, Language, IsSpectator, IsInOfficialMode, a structure named Avatar, an array of structures named Skins, a structure named LadderStats, HoursSinceZoneInscription and OnlineRights (0: nations account, 3: united account). Each structure of the array Skins contains two fields Environnement and a struct PackDesc. Each structure PackDesc, as well as the struct Avatar, contains two fields FileName and Checksum.
283 GetMainServerPlayerInfo(int) int array Returns a struct containing the player infos of the game server (ie: in case of a basic server, itself; in case of a relay server, the main server), with an optional parameter for compatibility: struct version (0 = united, 1 = forever). The structure is identical to the ones from GetPlayerList. Forever PlayerInfo struct is: Login, NickName, PlayerId, TeamId, SpectatorStatus, LadderRanking, and Flags.
LadderRanking is 0 when not in official mode,
Flags = ForceSpectator(0,1,2) + IsReferee * 10 + IsPodiumReady * 100 + StereoDisplayMode * 1000 + IsManagedByAnOtherServer * 10000 + IsServer * 100000 + HasPlayerSlot * 1000000 + IsBroadcasting * 10000000 + HasJoinedGame * 100000000
SpectatorStatus = Spectator + TemporarySpectator * 10 + PureSpectator * 100 + AutoTarget * 1000 + CurrentTargetId * 10000
284 GetCurrentRanking(int, int) int, int array Returns the current rankings for the race in progress. (In trackmania legacy team modes, the scores for the two teams are returned. In other modes, it's the individual players' scores) This method take two parameters. The first parameter specifies the maximum number of infos to be returned, and the second one the starting index in the ranking. The ranking returned is a list of structures. Each structure contains the following fields : Login, NickName, PlayerId and Rank. In addition, for legacy trackmania modes it also contains BestTime, Score, NbrLapsFinished, LadderScore, and an array BestCheckpoints that contains the checkpoint times for the best race.
285 GetCurrentRankingForLogin(string) string array Returns the current ranking for the race in progressof the player with the specified login (or list of comma-separated logins). The ranking returned is a list of structures. Each structure contains the following fields : Login, NickName, PlayerId and Rank. In addition, for legacy trackmania modes it also contains BestTime, Score, NbrLapsFinished, LadderScore, and an array BestCheckpoints that contains the checkpoint times for the best race.
286 GetCurrentWinnerTeam() int Returns the current winning team for the race in progress. (-1: if not in team mode, or draw match)
287 ForceScores(array, boolean) array, boolean boolean Force the scores of the current game. Only available in rounds and team mode. You have to pass an array of structs {int PlayerId, int Score}. And a boolean SilentMode - if true, the scores are silently updated (only available for SuperAdmin), allowing an external controller to do its custom counting... Only available to Admin/SuperAdmin.
288 ForcePlayerTeam(string, int) string, int boolean Force the team of the player. Only available in team mode. You have to pass the login and the team number (0 or 1). Only available to Admin.
289 ForcePlayerTeamId(int, int) int, int boolean Force the team of the player. Only available in team mode. You have to pass the playerid and the team number (0 or 1). Only available to Admin.
290 ForceSpectator(string, int) string, int boolean Force the spectating status of the player. You have to pass the login and the spectator mode (0: user selectable, 1: spectator, 2: player, 3: spectator but keep selectable). Only available to Admin.
291 ForceSpectatorId(int, int) int, int boolean Force the spectating status of the player. You have to pass the playerid and the spectator mode (0: user selectable, 1: spectator, 2: player, 3: spectator but keep selectable). Only available to Admin.
292 ForceSpectatorTarget(string, string, int) string, string, int boolean Force spectators to look at a specific player. You have to pass the login of the spectator (or '' for all) and the login of the target (or '' for automatic), and an integer for the camera type to use (-1 = leave unchanged, 0 = replay, 1 = follow, 2 = free). Only available to Admin.
293 ForceSpectatorTargetId(int, int, int) int, int, int boolean Force spectators to look at a specific player. You have to pass the id of the spectator (or -1 for all) and the id of the target (or -1 for automatic), and an integer for the camera type to use (-1 = leave unchanged, 0 = replay, 1 = follow, 2 = free). Only available to Admin.
294 SpectatorReleasePlayerSlot(string) string boolean Pass the login of the spectator. A spectator that once was a player keeps his player slot, so that he can go back to race mode. Calling this function frees this slot for another player to connect. Only available to Admin.
295 SpectatorReleasePlayerSlotId(int) int boolean Pass the playerid of the spectator. A spectator that once was a player keeps his player slot, so that he can go back to race mode. Calling this function frees this slot for another player to connect. Only available to Admin.
296 ManualFlowControlEnable(boolean) boolean boolean Enable control of the game flow: the game will wait for the caller to validate state transitions. Only available to Admin.
297 ManualFlowControlProceed() boolean Allows the game to proceed. Only available to Admin.
298 ManualFlowControlIsEnabled() int Returns whether the manual control of the game flow is enabled. 0 = no, 1 = yes by the xml-rpc client making the call, 2 = yes, by some other xml-rpc client. Only available to Admin.
299 ManualFlowControlGetCurTransition() string Returns the transition that is currently blocked, or '' if none. (That's exactly the value last received by the callback.) Only available to Admin.
300 CheckEndMatchCondition() string Returns the current match ending condition. Return values are: 'Playing', 'ChangeMap' or 'Finished'.
301 GetNetworkStats() array Returns a struct containing the networks stats of the server. The structure contains the following fields : Uptime, NbrConnection, MeanConnectionTime, MeanNbrPlayer, RecvNetRate, SendNetRate, TotalReceivingSize, TotalSendingSize and an array of structures named PlayerNetInfos. Each structure of the array PlayerNetInfos contains the following fields : Login, IPAddress, LastTransferTime, DeltaBetweenTwoLastNetState, PacketLossRate. Only available to SuperAdmin.
302 StartServerLan() boolean Start a server on lan, using the current configuration. Only available to SuperAdmin.
303 StartServerInternet() boolean Start a server on internet, using the current configuration. Only available to SuperAdmin.